Alan says
“Wow! Thanks a lot. I have NEVER received such prompt response (which actually worked) from a counter (or in this case, tracker company) yours faithfully, alan”

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The most popular free website tracker on the Internet!


Pro/Private Tracker Available

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In order to get your Free Tracker you simply fill out the form on the left and hit the submit button. Immediately after you're logged into your My Account which contains all your setup instructions.


Adding the tracker to your site is not complicated. If you are familiar with HTML-editing just copy and paste the tracker code into the source of your pages and you are ready. The tracker code can also be handled fine with WYSIWYG editors and content management systems, scripts and blogs.

The button as exposed here will be added to your site. It will link directly to your reports for easy access. Or, if you prefer to track in private please get the Pro Tracker.

Fast Support.

If you need support just post your message at your My Account Support Ticket and we help you out fast. Your ticket will be picked up and answered guaranteed within one business day. At your My Account all your support QA's are being stored for you to re-check at any time.
eXTReMe digital,  Geelvinckssteeg 32,  1017 BE Amsterdam,  The Netherlands